Recovery Resources & Support
A better Tomorrow

Our Mission | Our Vision | Our Movement
Be part of the Solution.
* Our mission is to raise funds for those in need.
We aim to donate part of our proceeds to someone in need of recovery!

As a thank you,
*Each Order Now Comes with a FREE Bracelet! :)

The purpose of choosing to Recover Out Loud, is for that mother who is heart broken and desperately seeking treatment for her son, to be able to come up to someone wearing apparel with the word 'RECOVERY' on it, and engage in an open dialogue about seeking or finding treatment for her son.
This is for that girl who feels lost and hopeless, struggling with depression and an eating disorder, to be able to see that there is hope, when she sees someone in the store wearing a shirt or hoodie with the word 'RECOVERY' on it. She is able to see she is not alone.
This is for that guy that's dealing with PTSD, not knowing where to turn to... where to find resources, where to find services. DEAR RECOVERY© is a place where we can find resources or ask for resources from our fellow recovery warriors.
This is to open the doorway to those tough conversations, and to normalize us as a society talking about ways we can help each other. Maybe you can share your recovery journey & ways that helped you. Or where you went to rehab.. or where they can find MAT's. Whatever it might be, Your story can help someone else see that they too can do it, that they are not alone in how they feel. There is Light at the end of the tunnel & There is always Hope.
You see, Recovery is contagious. You can’t help being affected & inspired when it surrounds you. That’s why it’s so important to stay close to the people who radiate recovery. We need them. And they need us. So what does recovery mean to me? ...I can tell you above all else, recovery is an experience – something that can only be lived. It's a lifestyle.
Join Us
Help us Foster the VISION of a WORLD where all those in or seeking recovery are celebrated & supported.
Inspirational Influencers in DearRecovery© Apparel

re·cov·er·y /rəˈkəv(ə)rē/

1. a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
2. the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost.
We've all have gone through recovery at some point in our lifetime. Whether it might be addiction, breast cancer, an injury, an eating disorder, a mental health condition, homelessness, a surgery, trauma, even a heart ache.. Recovery shows others that although sometimes life throws us a curveball, a setback always has an opportunity for a comeback!
Our recovery has a story & we should aim to share it with the world.
The more we talk about and normalize our struggles, the more we can inspire change.
Let's start spreading Hope, Awareness, & Inspiration to all those around us.
Let's Rebuild & Recover our Communities.